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Katie McGinty’s new ad introduces voters to her biography: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyEUdtcGBeI
Maybe this “selfie” thing has gone too far when it’s the central gimmick of a gubernatorial ad campaign? We’ll see if it helps Katie McGinty’s […]
Gov. Tom Corbett plans to raise $30 million for his re-election campaign, he told Politico this weekend. That would beat his 2010 fund-raising total of […]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35x9di4BWsU#t=12 “I decided I would run state government just as you would run state government,” Gov. Tom Corbett says in his first official commercial of […]
The Patriot-News reports that Al Gore is endorsing Katie McGinty to be the Democrat who challenges Gov. Tom Corbett in the fall. McGinty served on […]
Here is Gov. Corbett’s first campaign video. How do you make the case for re-election when you’re job approval rating is practically non-existent? If this […]
Gov. Tom Corbett is faring so badly in the polls that one line of thought is that Democrats just have to pick a candidate—any candidate—and […]
In the end—my last moment with Allyson Schwartz, sitting in her office in Washington—she is about to cry. “You’re getting a little emotional, Congresswoman,” I […]