Rivers Casino

The team at Rivers Casino sees themselves as partners of the Fishtown neighborhood. Justin Moore, General Manager at Rivers Casino Philadelphia, shares how Rivers works with locals to help the neighborhood and create opportunities for employees to get involved.
$10M+ donated to Penn Treaty Special Services District.
600+ Thanksgiving turkeys donated annually.
100+ organizations receiving contributions and donations in the region from Rivers.
How do your charitable efforts tie into your mission as a company?
Since opening our doors in Fishtown, Rivers Casino Philadelphia has been committed to being a proud community partner. The casino maintains its commitment to being a dedicated neighbor and partner through Rivers Gives, our companywide community outreach program that includes team members volunteering annual service hours to the Fishtown neighborhood and surrounding areas. We choose a monthly charity partner to fundraise and volunteer for, and team members assist in a service project that benefits the Philadelphia community.
Are there any contributions you’re particularly proud of?
Rivers Casino is extremely proud of the relationship we’ve developed with Wigs & Wishes, a nonprofit that’s dedicated to providing wigs and granting wishes to courageous individuals battling cancer. Our commitment to providing the event center and catering at no cost for the firm’s annual gala fundraiser is Rivers’ way of supporting celebrity stylist Martino Cartier and his incredible mission. Rivers Casino Philadelphia also hosts Operation Gratitude volunteers throughout the year to assemble care packages for first responders, health care heroes, frontline workers and 911 dispatchers.
How do your employees get involved?
We have numerous opportunities for our team members to volunteer at events such as park cleanups, community resource events, food drives and more. Our team also raises funds for selected monthly organizations, such as the Asian American Chamber of Commerce, American Cancer Society, Liberty USO, Salvation Army, Veterans Multi-Service Center, Congreso de Latinos Unidos and more. We try to make our volunteer efforts accessible to all our Team Members.
877-477-3715, riverscasino.com/philadelphia
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This is a paid partnership between Rivers Casino and Philadelphia Magazine