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Four Surprising Studies to Help Your Heart

You probably know that eating right and getting plenty of exercise is your ticket to a good ticker. But there’s even more you can do. Thanks to a few recent studies, learn how you can help your heart in these surprising ways in celebration of American Heart Month.

EAT BREAKFAST. A new study suggests that the most important meal of the day isn’t just for jumpstarting your metabolism—it also has an impact on your cardiovascular health. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, skipping breakfast may increase coronary heart disease risk. Non-breakfast eaters were generally hungrier later in the day and at night, which may lead to risk factors from obesity to high blood pressure.

SMILE. New research out of the University of Illinois says that a positive outlook on life can lead to significantly healthier hearts, too. Optimists are almost twice as likely as being in ideal cardiovascular health than their pessimistic counterparts.

LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER. A study from the Journal of Health and Social Behavior shows a link between a difficult marriage and having heart health issues. Dealing with factors like a demanding or critical spouse could, potentially, have detrimental physical effects. Worth mentioning: Negative effects got stronger with age. What’s more, older women in poor relationships were more likely to endure heart problems.

DON’T DISCOUNT YOURSELF. Heart disease is a woman’s greatest threat, literally—more females die every year from the disease than all forms of cancers combined. Yet, for many, it’s still considered a man’s disease. A study out of the Journal of American College of Cardiology reports that heart attacks are deadliest among young women. Learn the facts (and more) at American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women campaign.

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Sponsor content is created for IBX by Philadelphia magazine as a marketing collaboration with IBX. This material is intended for reference and information only and should not be used in place of advice from a doctor or suitable qualified healthcare professional.