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Eating Local: This West Philly Hotspot is a Hub for Philly-Made Brands


Photo credit: Courtesy of CO-OP Restaurant & Lounge

Philly’s always been a food city. It’s the birthplace of classics like pork roll, Peanut Chews and soft pretzels, but as of late, it seems like the list of food and drink innovators has been on the rise. With makers scattered across the city and surrounding areas specializing in breads, beers and just about everything else, there’s never a reason to settle for outsourced ingredients with so many quality ones right here in our backyard.

That’s the ethos behind West Philly hotspot CO-OP Restaurant & Lounge’s menu selections. The cozy eatery, located at the corner of 33rd and Chestnut, serves some of Philly’s favorite local delicacies on a regular rotation. If you’re struggling to source some of the creative culinary genius taking place across the City of Brotherly Love, it’s a great place to start.

Whether you want breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner, here are some of the local finds you can try at CO-OP:

Philly Bread

Creators of the beloved “Philly Muffin,” a much-needed square-shaped upgrade of the traditional English Muffin, Philly Bread whips up some of the freshest rolls, loafs, buns, bagels and muffins known to man. But it’s rare to find them outside of their Kensington headquarters or local farmers markets. Now, they’ve thankfully made their way to West Philly. At CO-OP, you can find their iconic Everything Philly Muffin as the oh-so-good base for a gourmet breakfast sandwich—featuring a fried egg topped with smoked cheddar and aioli. Holy hangover cure!

Dock Street Brewery


Beer nerds take note—CO-OP can also be considered a hub of rare beer releases, like the newest batches made by Philly’s first microbrewery, Dock Street Brewery. In February, they launched an exclusive limited-edition draft called “King Juice” (available only at their 50th Street HQ and CO-OP). The double IPA is full of strong, fruity flavors like nectarines, dried apricots and stone fruit and pairs well with everything from brunch to late night bites.

Stop by for a pint and indulge in CO-OP’s seriously good happy hour snack specials (think—smoked chicken wings, thick cut chips served with spinach and artichoke fondue and crispy onion straws) or partake in a few brews over a boozy brunch.  But you can do more than imbibe your favorite Dock Street beer, you can eat it, too! CO-OP offers a crispy beer-battered Fish & Chips special made with Dock Street Rye during limited beer releases.

Lancaster Farm Fresh


There are also plenty of farm-to-table finds to be had, sourced from Philly’s nearby neighbor, Lancaster. CO-OP procures a variety of produce items from Lancaster Farm Fresh, a co-operative (appropriate, right?!) offering local, sustainable and organic fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, and dairy products. At CO-OP you’ll find Lancaster’s locally grown greens in everything from menu staples like the vegetable crudité (a customer favorite, showcasing all of the in-season pickings) to seasonal veggies offered as a side dish. You’ll be supporting local farms and getting in your 5 a day!

For more information on CO-OP Restaurant & Lounge and their local offerings visit coopphilly.com