Current Obsession: This De-Stressing Chaise Lounge For the Perennially Frazzled
Though the base of the “Pause” chaise is rooted in technology — an ergonomic fiberglass shell created from a 3-D computer rendering — the finished product is crafted to help you escape it. The lounge is an offering from the year-old furniture company Konekt, a Philly-based outfit that combines the work of local artisans (those custom-made, and customizable, brass legs) with sleek design. The result? A sinuous, sexy spot where the perennially stressed-out can disconnect, unplug and, fittingly, pause. Starting at $8,000.
(Psst: For a more achievable alternative for those of us, say, more in the Target/Home Goods/Ikea bracket of housewares, click here.)