Shop Talk: See Non-Fashion Guys React to Men’s Fashion Week Collections
Read with coffee: Five style headlines to know this a.m.

Photography by Lauren McGrath.
- New York Men’s Fashion Week just wrapped up, and the designs ranged from the casual-cool to the wildly eccentric. Fashion is known for taking itself a little too seriously, but true to guys’ goofy humor that we know and love, here’s a compilation of non-fashion dudes reacting to men’s fashion week collections that will definitely start your week off right. [Fashionista]
- People are still clamoring for Kylie’s Lip Kits like they’re about to be discontinued, so we think it’s safe to say that people are a little enamored with the teenage businesswoman. If you’re dying to see more, catch Kylie Jenner complete her daily beauty routine on SnapChat. It’s kinda like a Kardashian beauty masterclass — minus the plastic surgery. [Elle]
- Remembering to wash your brushes isn’t just good for extending the life of them; it’s crucial to avoid bacteria buildup and the spread of acne. Here’s how often you should really clean your makeup brushes to avoid skin disasters in the future. [Bustle]
- Taking the perfect photo is an art. It requires a certain finesse of angles we haven’t seen since middle school geometry and it can easily get complicated. For those of you who are vertically challenged, use these five tips to look taller in pictures. (Psst: ditch the poor posture!) [Pure Wow]
- Between general summer greasiness and infinite sunburns, summer’s definitely not the best time of the year for our skin. The best way to combat icky summer skin woes is to treat yourself with the coolest face masks out there. Here’s a handy guide to determine which face mask is right for you. [Byrdie]