10 Must-Have (Sort Of?) Pope Memorabilia Items For Sale Now

Holy merch.
Remember the Royal wedding and its attendant flurry of completely insane memorabilia? With the Pope’s impending visit to Philly, we’re inching toward that territory, if not already firmly planted in it. Already, big companies and small crafters are turning out bizarre tchotchkes to commemorate the occasion. Here is some of the weirdest, funniest, craftiest and probably sort of sacrilegious memorabilia out there now.
1. A Pope bobblehead ($25).
Surely this is sacrilegious? (Though I guess not, as it’s available at the World Meeting of Families e-store. Also: World Meeting of Families has an e-store!) Buy here.
2. A (most definitely unauthorized) Pope bobblehead ($20).
Boxing gloves and cheesesteaks. How … clever. Buy it here (but be sure to place your order by August 1st.)
3. A life-size cardboard Pope cutout ($160).
Sort of creepy? Buy it here (or not).
4. A plush Pope ($20).
It’s actually a pretty spot-on likeness. Though I’d like to meet the kid who’d prefer to snuggle with a Pope doll over Elmo. Buy it here.
5. A Pope t-shirt ($20).
I included this only because it’s for sale on a site called CatholicToTheMax.com. Buy here.
6. A sports hero Pope t-shirt ($20.15 each).
These were created by a local screen-printing company. Buy them here. (A portion of all sales will be donated to designated Catholic Children’s Charities in the Philly area.)
7. A Pope tie ($17.99).
From a distance, the tiny Pope heads look like a floral pattern. Buy it here, and then wear it to your next job interview. Who can turn down the Pope?
8. Pope posters ($35 each).
Sort of like the holy version of your old Led Zeppelin concert posters. Even better? They’re made by a Philadelphia artist. Buy them here.
9. A Pope hand towel ($16.85).
Though it has to feel wrong to dry your hands on the pontiff’s face. Buy it here, if you must.
10. Pope bedding (from $28).
Wrong on so many levels. Buy it here (but please don’t).