Market Report: 23 Ways to Look and Feel Better In Just One Minute
Do these tricks on your commute or in your office for an instant beauty and wellness boost.

How to look and feel fresher in 60 seconds (fab sunnies help). | Shutterstock.
- Got one minute? Do just one of these 23 tricks and you’ll look brighter, feel better and start your day off right. [Cosmopolitan]
- Day beds instead of sofas, no more drawers, silicon furniture: The head designer of IKEA Sweden on his seven predictions for what your house will look like in 2020. [Fast Company]
- Have white sneakers? Then you need to read this, the go-to guide for cleaning white kicks. [GQ]
- One of my fave articles ever: What your luggage says about you. [Travel + Leisure]
- Here is the quickest, coolest (and inexpensive!) way to deal with a bad hair day. [The Cut]