Market Report: The Best And Worst Store Credit Cards

Plus: A Surprising hire at Puma, a new metric for measuring jeans' elasticity, and Dov Charney gets the boot again.

  • Come holiday shopping season time, some of those store credit cards can look mighty tempting. Here’s a roundup of the best and worst store credit cards on the market. [Racked]
  • The best indicator of jeans’ elasticity? If four very flexible professional dancers can wear them—while dancing. [Elle]
  • American Apparel’s Dov Charney has been fired again. Yes, again. [Gawker]

  • Another reminder to do your spa research: This spa owner is being sent to prison for illegally injecting silicone into her patients, killing one and hospitalizing another. Yikes. [Cosmopolitan]
  • Rihanna has officially been tapped as Puma’s new creative director [Styleite]