Market Report: 66 Fall Boots To Buy Now
The shopping and style intel to know now.
- In the market for fall boots? Here are 66, arranged in smart categories like ‘Best Return Policy,’ ‘Best Quality For Your Buck,’ and ‘Heavily Discounted Designer Picks.’ Go on. Look at them all and play the ‘Which boot am I?’ game. [Huffington Post]
- Bookworms, rejoice: There is a perfume that is inspired by Edgar Allan Poe. ( And it’s called Nevermore!) [Into The Gloss]
- Here, why you should stop washing off all your makeup at night. []
- Just wait for the cultural appropriation blowback for this article about how cornrows are the latest fashion trend. [LA Times]
- More ill-advised trend pieces, this time courtesy of the New York Times, which wrote about the new “big butt” trend. (No, I am not making this up.) [Jezebel]
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