The World Cup Mani You Need to Get Before Tomorrow’s Game

Images via Lacquer Lounge.
If you’ve perused in the last few weeks, you know there’s been some extensive World Cup coverage. While we at Shoppist have had, well, zilch. So we decided to jump on the bandwagon and have our hand (pun intended) at soccer reportage—Shoppist-style. We present you: World Cup nail art. Two reasons it’s amazing: 1) It counts as fan garb, so you don’t need to wear an ill-fitting borrowed soccer jersey unless you’re an über-fan; 2) You can get it at Lacquer Lounge right in the city.
Go for a more discreet look with just your ring finger donning a glittery green field.
This Colombia fan is sporting the quintessential World Cup mani.
Definitely more Americana than soccer-themed, but at least it can double as a 4th of July mani.
We know Germany hasn’t advanced, but this patriotic nail art can be adapted to the flag of any country.