Dear Men: This is How You Wear a Speedo
I’m normally not a fan of the Speedo. It can so easily go from sexy swimmer man to ohmygod MY EYES. It is an article of clothing(ish) that must be deployed with the utmost care. The Speedo has to fit impeccably, the body on which it fits must be similar to that of a chiseled muscle god, and the wearer must not take himself too seriously, or risk looking like the Ultimate Douchebag.
It’s a fine line we have here, gentlemen, so here’s a little tutorial on how to wear one, illustrated by the fine folks over at G Philly, who have gathered Philly’s ultimate group of good-looking guys, swathed them in Speedos (along with the best summer swimwear buys of the season—swim trunks included!), and photographed them at North Shore Beach Club. Click here for hunky men, awesome buys from the coolest local shops, and—for the daring man—a photographic guide to wearing a Speedo. Enjoy the eye candy.