Fashion Recap: Real Housewives of New York Season Premiere
I’m a self-professed Real Housewives freak. I’ll watch every single episode, every single season, every single city, even Atlanta. (Okay, I don’t watch Miami. No one watches Miami.) It never gets old. The fighting, the one-liner intros, the digs, and the cray-cray fashion. The Real Housewives of New York kicked off its sixth season last night, and it started in fabulous fashion. So let’s recap all the looks from the episode, shall we? It will be fun. There will be sequins! And fake legs! So let’s get started with the most important outfit of the season, as it’s shown a million times and will live forever in infamy: the intro outfit. Let’s do this! (A quick note: You might want to view these in full-screen mode to see the crazy in full effect.)
Real Housewives of New York Fashion Recap

Tune in next week for more!