Suit: Tower Investments Operating “Illegally as Trespassers” at the Pier
Well, we now know why Tower Investments abruptly canceled Tuesday’s upcoming press conference regarding the redevelopment of the Pier at Caesar’s. While the press release stated it was “Due to unforeseen developments beyond Tower Investments’ control,” the Press of Atlantic City is reporting it’s due to a suit filed in Atlantic County Superior Court by Kevin Ortzman, president of Caesar’s and Bally’s Atlantic City, that alleges Blatstein and crew operated “illegally as trespassers” at the pier.
Here’s more:
The court filing traces control of the Pier’s lease from Caesars to a second company, Pier Developers, Inc., and eventually to a third, Delaware-based entity. Ortzman accuses Blatstein of having taken over the Pier’s lease from that third company illegally and without Caesars’ consent. He also says Blatstein and Tower Investments have failed to make any payments to Caesars “related to their use, occupancy and control of the Property.”
We left a message for Tower Investments this afternoon and are waiting to hear back about the suit.
Here’s a look at the document, which contains some interesting alleged quotes from Blatstein to Ortzman on page 6:
• ICYMI: Bart Blatstein’s control of Pier Shops challenged in court [Press of Atlantic City]