Interactive Map Let’s You Help Plan the Future of the River Wards
Everyone loves an interactive map. Behold, the Philadelphia Planning Commission (PCPC) as introduced a tool that will allow residents, visitors, and whoever else wants to participate to shape the future of the historic River Wards during their 10-month district planning process.
Much like with the recent Philly Bike Share public comment map (and also the PCPC’s South District Plan), people simply log in and drop points on the map or make comments on ones that have been added. Participants are asked to identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Barriers within the district to help PCPC “prioritize investment decisions and inform zoning.” In other words: Your suggestions could actually have a real impact. We might venture a guess to say that you might even have some fun along the way.
As part of the comprehensive city-wide Philadelphia2035 plan, PCPC will also hold a public meeting on January 13 (details here) to kick-off the 10-month process. Those in attendance will participate in a similar mapping exercise. Subsequent public meetings for the River Wards District Plan will take place in early March and mid-May.
• Public Meeting: River Wards District Plan, January 2015 [PCPC]
• Interactive Map: River Wards District [PCPC]