DesignPhiladelphia’s Kickoff Party Is Coming Up!
DesignPhiladelphia, whose 2014 schedule is out now, launches its festival with PopUp Place, an experiential benefit and cocktail party on October 8th. The event will include live bidding for the Reflecting Design Silent Auction, which features 20 works by Philly designers asked to transform an IKEA mirror into “something daring and remarkable.”
PopUp Place, which has a tradition of shining the spotlight on undiscovered but promising “design destinations,” will highlight Fishtown this year, and digital design agency Bluecadet (who is hosting the opening party) will allow guests to explore their 8,400-square-foot headquarters. Tickets to PopUp Place 2014 can be purchased here.
Also, don’t forget Property will have an event at DesignPhilly as well! Property Presents: Tales from the Design World will feature a variety of five-minute stories by the city’s designers, writers, architects, urban planners and photographers. Our own Liz Spikol will host the event and tickets are free. So go, go, go! We’ll see you there!