Morning Headlines: Flipping the Conventional Wisdom on Renters

Photo by Michelle W. via Flickr.
Kellie Patrick Gates parses a hefty city planning commission survey at PlanPhilly this morning. Among the findings that might surprise you if you still subscribe to antiquated notions about renters: they are “highly committed” to their neighborhoods; many choose to rent despite their ability to buy; and the most highly committed renters in Philly appear to live outside Center City.
Among the findings that night not surprise you:
Other factors that respondents said kept them from buying included some Philadelphia-specific criticisms: School quality (31 percent), taxes (29 percent), the feeling they could get more house for less money outside the city (27 percent).
The report also found that Center City renters love exactly what you think they’d love. Restaurants, amenities and walkability. Renters in neighborhoods outside Center City cited closeness to friends and family as behind their decisions to rent where they do.
Renters aren’t the only ones getting some unexpected love. SEPTA comes up pretty huge, too.
Here’s what everybody loves: Transit access. More than half of all renters in both Center City and outside those neighborhoods said access to transportation was one of the things they found desirable about their neighborhood.
The entire report is worth your time. Detailed findings and graphics are at PlanPhilly, along with methodology and an exact look at what counts as “Center City.”
Philadelphia renters highly involved in their neighborhoods, planning survey finds [PlanPhilly]
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