Help Us Find The 30 Coolest Spaces In Philly

Submissions due Dec. 13th

hotel monaco

Hotel Monaco is certainly one of the best designed hotels in the city. Photo: Hotel Monaco.

Do you work in a beautifully designed office space (your answer is yes if you work at the Navy Yard, by the way)? Does your friend have the most amazing kitchen you’ve ever seen? Do you buy your ties and socks at a store whose interior design makes your heart beat faster? We want to know about it.

We’re picking the coolest spaces in Philly for an upcoming story, from rowhomes to mansions, from farmhouses to boutiques. If you live in a cool/beautiful/amazing/superbly designed space — or know someone who does — snap a quick photo (phone photos are fine) and send it along to us by Dec. 13th. Can’t get a pic? Write to us anyway with the address and contact info.

Send your submissions via email to:
Liz Spikol at

Questions? Give us a call at 215-279-8317.

We look forward to hearing from you!