ThinkFest Is Coming! Here Are the Property Picks
Well, that headline sounds rather dictatorial, so let us put it another way: Philadelphia Magazine’s ThinkFest approaches, tickets are going, going, going, and there are several events we think regular Property Philly readers (and even un-regular readers) will find compelling.
First question you might have: What is ThinkFest? Glad you asked:
It’s a week-long event featuring dynamic speakers, unique entertainment, and smart conversations about the city, education, the arts, entrepreneurship, the food scene, tech, and creative culture.
Some big names this year are Chris Matthews, M. Night Shyamalan, Marc Vetri, Josh Kopelman, and Pig Iron Cabaret, among others.
But for Property readers, we’ve got folks from Center City District [ooh!], PIDC [ah!], a principal from MSC [gasp!] — even an expert talking about “The End of the Suburbs.” Yes. It’s that good.
Tickets run from $15 to $75, but let us give you a few suggestions for how to spend your nickels.
• Paul Levy’s Center City: a Walking Tour of Our Parks
Featuring: Paul Levy, President and CEO of the Center City District
• The Keynote Address With Chris Matthews. (Selling point: Chances that Matthews’ DelVal accent will move a few notches to the native while he’s here are high.)
• The End of the Suburbs: Where the American Dream is Moving, with Leigh Gallagher, assistant managing editor at Fortune Magazine, author, and regular NPR guest.
• The Future and Importance of Philadelphia’s Retail Scene. With January Bartle, owner of Third Street Habit; Douglas Green, principal of MSC; and Ivy Olesh, vice president of marketing and business development for Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation. [PANEL]
DO NOT DELAY! Get your tickets today. We’ll see you there!