This Week: Secret Cinema at Freeman’s | South Philly Garden Tour | OCF Block Party

secret-cinemaThere are three events this week that dovetail nicely with Property interests, and we want you to have plenty of time to make plans.

Secret Cinema: From Philadelphia With Love
Fri., Sept. 6, 8pm. $9. Freeman’s Auction House, 1808 Chestnut St, Philadelphia
“‘From Philadelphia With Love’ showcases rare 16mm prints from the Secret Cinema archive about different aspects of life in the Philadelphia region. Some were made as sponsored films promoting goods or institutions, and some are educational or documentary in nature. All are virtually impossible to see elsewhere.”

South Philly Garden Tour
Sat., Sept. 7, 1 p.m.-5 p.m. $20-$25. South Philly High School, Broad and Snyder
“The Garden Tour is a self-guided walking tour of a dozen-plus of South Philly’s hidden treasures within the South Broad Street corridor (Washington to Snyder, 11th to 17th), including private residences, restaurants and parks. It’s a great excuse to learn more about South Philly, see what your neighbors are growing, get inspired and meet new people.”

OCF Block Party
Sat., Sept. 7, 9:30 a.m.- 2 p.m. Free. 2001 Federal Street (20th & Federal Streets)
“It’s been one year since we opened the OCF Coffee House in Point Breeze. To celebrate our first birthday, we’re inviting you and your friends to our block party birthday bash! Come out and meet new friends, catch up with old ones, or just swing by to wish us a happy O-N-E!”