Bala Cynwyd Library to Reopen With Better Flow and a Fireplace Focus

The 16-month renovation of the Bala Cynwyd Library included the addition of 6,000 square feet, but the space that’s getting the most emphasis is a small seating area that visitors will see right as they walk in. Chairs are arranged around an ornamental fireplace that’s always been in the building but was pretty much ignored. Now it’ll serve as a focal point, looking more like a living room than a shelving area.

What else will visitors see when they get to go in on May 19th? A mural of children’s stories, easier access to an elevator and the reference desk, a better flow to the sections, and a young adult room. Overall, the building’s multicolored glass windows make for a Mondrian vibe–if a library can be compared to Mondrian.

The architecture and engineering firm handling the renovation all of Lower Merion Township’s libraries is Vitteta, which has extensive library experience. So far, so good.

Bala Cynwyd Library Grand Opening is set for May 19 [Main Line Times]