Development Around Drexel Endangers Professor’s Well-Being
Drexel professor Kathleen Volk-Miller, who heads up the Painted Bride Quarterly literary magazine and brought the international Literary Death Match to Philadelphia (the only city where attendees whooped and a fully costumed Mummer served as a judge), has a bone to pick with her employer’s development success.
Though the city and the university obviously benefit from Drexel’s transformation, guided by president John Fry, Volk-Miller believes there might be something sinister at work with the addition of so many new restaurants: “How am I going to make it in and out of the building? I’m afraid I’m going to be rolling my paychecks right back into University City, which can only be part of the big plan.” Her Weight Watchers plan, on the other hand, will be right out the window.
• What Drexel Is Doing to West Philly (and My Paycheck)