Whoever Is Buying This House: We Salute You!
A sale is pending on this beautiful two-bedroom carriage house on pretty little Cypress Street, and whoever has made the offer has been wise to do so. Why? A few reasons:
1. Carriage houses do well on the market, due to their historical appeal and their singularity.
2. Little streets like Cypress will always attract buyers–particularly parents with young children–who are looking for quiet but want to stay in the city.
3. This house is in the McCall school catchment, and McCall is considered to be one of a handful of great public schools in the city.
4. It’s in Society Hill. It would take a whole lot of reverse Ed Bacon-ing for the neighborhood to decline.
5. It has a garage. In the city. In a neighborhood where parking is a bear.
6. It has a backyard patio–more quiet in an urban setting.
7. The house will always lend itself to listings keywords like: “historic,” “cobblestone,” “colonial,” “character,” “pine” “exposed,” “antique” and (did we mention) “McCall.”
8. It sold in a month. A MONTH.
Last asking price was $449K.
More info: 523 Cypress Street, Philadelphia PA 19106