All Private Schools

Zhang Sah

Grade Level: Preschool, Elementary


Zhang Sah, founded at 530 Bainbridge St in 1997, was the first and only martial arts themed child care provider in the USA. In August of 2023, we became the nation’s first and only, fully licensed Martial Arts based Private Academic School and we are currently accepting enrollment applications for the 2025 school year for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and first grade.
At Zhang Sah, our students are provided with the tools they need to thrive. We emphasize academics, experiential learning, martial arts, and a multilingual program that teaches both Mandarin and Spanish. At Zhang Sah, we firmly believe in our mission to “Educate your body. Strengthen your mind.” Inquire now at or email

What is your teaching or educational philosophy?

Zhang Sah is an independent nonprofit organization that provides character, cultural, physical, and academic development and education in conjunction with multidisciplinary martial arts programs. Zhang Sah supports the mental and physical health and well-being of its members by offering them tools for resiliency and discovery along with black-belt training, age-appropriate martial arts training, character education, and scientific and philosophical teaching. Within these offerings, Zhang Sah supports working families with its structured programs that provide educational development for children, youth and adults.

What is your mission statement?

Educate your body. Strengthen your mind.
