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Friends School Haverford


Friends School Haverford, a "small school with an enormous heart," is located on a beautiful natural campus adjoining Haverford College. Established in 1885, FSH is the oldest Quaker school on the Main Line. Serving students in Nursery through grade 5, the school is rooted in the Quaker values of community, integrity, equality, simplicity, stewardship, peace, and service. FSH welcomes families of all religious and humanistic traditions, and attracts students from surrounding areas including Philadelphia. FSH prides itself on its diverse student body, which fosters a rare level of richness and understanding. The school is recognized for its place- and project-based learning. A recent project on food insecurity included an opportunity for older students to visit and volunteer at a local food pantry. A project for younger students underscoring the importance of a livable habitat and clean water culminated with the Octopus’s Garden Aquarium. Students created exhibits and invited families and friends to visit their aquarium.

Awards or Certifications:

Accredited by the Pennsylvania Association of Independent Schools (PAIS).

What is your teaching or educational philosophy?

Friends School Haverford's program is rooted in academic challenge, intellectual vigor, artistic expression, service, and kindness. Children’s curiosity, creativity, and joy of discovery as they grow intellectually, spiritually, physically, and emotionally is encouraged. Because nature is a powerful teacher, as much time as possible is spent learning outdoors on the school's beautiful natural campus.

An atmosphere is fostered in which students learn to work independently and in cooperation with others. They are challenged to question, explore, reflect, reason, and communicate effectively.

Friends School Haverford cultivates a community characterized by diversity in belief, ethnicity, race, and socioeconomic background. The Quaker tenets of integrity, service, simplicity, equality, community, peaceful conflict resolution, stewardship, and sustainability are emphasized.

Students are taught to be contributing members of the community, to grow and to change with flexibility and courage, and to treat others with care and understanding.

Friends School Haverford graduates possess the intellectual and spiritual skills necessary to envision and create successful and meaningful lives.

What is your mission statement?

Guided by Quaker principles since its founding in 1885, Friends School Haverford provides an intellectually rich program to an intentionally diverse school family. We promote academic scholarship, creativity, respect, integrity, and self-awareness with a commitment to creating a culture of stewardship and kindness. Friends School Haverford graduates are uniquely prepared to go forth with boldness of intellect and character.
