Pushback — Episode 5: The Politics of Pot, Part II
George Soros tried but failed to get Keir Bradford-Grey to run for district attorney in Philadelphia earlier this year. It turns out she had unfinished business as the chief defender of the Philadelphia Defenders Association, the organization responsible for representing criminal defendants who can’t afford a lawyer.
Now, Bradford-Grey — a self-described activist — has been monitoring and pushing against drug enforcement in the city of Philadelphia while championing progressive policies like diversionary programs. Also on the podcast is an emotional and in-depth interview with Anthony Hirschbuhl, a black Philadelphian who was arrested at age 15 for possessing a nickel bag of marijuana and who, as a result of his arrest, has only been able to get his life on track recently, more than a decade later.
Guests (in order of appearance):
Anthony Hirschbuhl, re-entry activist
Keir Bradford-Grey, chief defender of the Philadelphia Defenders Association