Newlyweds, Tell Us: What Do You Wish You Had Known Before Your Wedding?

Bride Groom


We like to do a little audience participation around here from time to time, and when we do, we like to compile our favorite answers of yours, and feature them on the back page of one of Philadelphia Wedding‘s twice-a-year issues.

Every time we’ve asked you to tell us something, we’ve ended up with really hilarious and helpful tales on topics like these:

The Myth About Wedding-Night Sex 

Your Worst Wedding-Guest Experience 

Just-Married Couples Tell Us Their Most Awkward Wedding Moments 

6 Hilarious Tales of Lost & (Sometimes) Found Wedding Rings from Local Newlyweds 

Welp, we’re here again, readers, to ask you about something else! And for this one, we’re talking to all you newlyweds out there: What do you wish you had known before your wedding that it might help other brides to know now, before theirs?

Do you wish someone had told you something in particular? Do you wish you had realized something at the time that you didn’t? Do you wish you had done something differently, managed your time differently, chosen differently?

Whether you could have saved yourself the meltdown over the wrong icing color when your cake showed up, gone back in time and done your favors, programs and all those little tasks before the last minute, just asked your sister-in-law to be in your bridal party even though you don’t really like her because it actually would have been easier in the end—help today’s brides learn from what you now know.

Email your hard-earned lessons to me at, and as per usual, we’ll run our favorite wizened tales on the back page of Philadelphia Wedding‘s spring/summer 2017 issue! And don’t worry, your confessions will be veiled in total anonymity so that no one will ever know you’ve admitted to any less-than-perfect doing.

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