5 Secrets to Giving the Perfect Wedding Toast From Obama’s Former Speech Writer

After last week’s memorable DNC here in Philly, one thing was made incredibly clear: The Obamas sure know how to captivate a crowd. Both the President and First Lady received rave review for their respective speeches, so you can imagine that when we saw an article about toast-giving tips—provided by POTUS’s former speech writer Jon Favreau—we couldn’t read it fast enough.
And his advice was spot on: Wedding toasts are supposed to be personal and authentic, so stick to anecdotes that (in a short and sweet manner) convey your relationship to the bride and groom and their love for one another. No need for fancy, flowery language here—just keep things natural and conversational.
If you’re scheduled to make a toast at someone else’s wedding anytime soon, we suggest you give these tips a good read. Otherwise, pass ’em along to your speech-givers so they’re prepared once your Big Day arrives.
RELATED: 5 Wedding-Toast Tips You (and Your Speech-Givers) Need to Know
RELATED: 18 Important Dos & Don’ts For Giving a Wedding Toast
RELATED: Remind Your Toast-Givers to Not Say These 9 Things At Your Wedding
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