Lady Gaga Is Engaged, Wearing a Giant Heart-Shaped Diamond Ring
Lady Gaga and the guy your mom thinks is hot from Chicago Fire are engaged! He put a great big heart-shaped ring on it:
Gaga and Taylor Kinney (who is hot, by the way; your mom is not wrong) have been dating for about four years—judging by how long it took my brain to process these two seemingly different individuals as a couple when I found out a year or so ago, I’ll pause to let that sink in in case this is your first time realizing it—and really are pretty cute:
Now, I am not one to normally approve of heart-shaped diamonds, but I will make an exception for this one, considering that a) it is a very tasteful solitaire and b) it is Lady Gaga.
Obviously, this is a wedding/dress that we will very much be wanting to see. Stay tuned.
RELATED: What the Cut, Style and Shape of Your Engagement Ring Says About You: A Glossary
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