Here Are the 4 Different Types of Wedding Officiants 

And what you need to know when considering each of them.



For the most part, we find that brides pretty much know right away whether they’ll be getting married in a religious house of worship, or some other place (venue, beach, park, parents’ backyard, etc., etc.).

If you’re going religious, usually, you’re pretty much set—you either know or have an idea of what priest or rabbi or other religious official will tie your knot—but if you’re not, you’ve got a few options to consider as the two of you decide who will legally pronounce you wed. And it’s definitely something we hear couples struggling with from time to time; it tends to be one of those well-where-do-even-we-start kind of things.

This helpful guide breaks down the four main types of officiants, and several points to think about when considering each of them—especially if you’re trying to decide if you’ll have a friend or family member perform the ceremony.

How did you decide an on officiant? 

RELATED: It’s Official: How to Find the Right Person to Declare You Husband & Wife 

RELATED: How Many Guests Can I Bring to My Wedding at Philly’s City Hall? 

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