To All the Nearly Engaged: Take This Quiz to Determine When He’ll Put a Ring On It



The latest in Buzzfeed’s output of quizzes that are extremely fun, extremely silly, and extremely useful as procrastination tools was created just for all you nearly engaged ladies out there (and we know you’re out there. Reading this. We’ve heard from you. The ring is coming.): It’ll help you figure out how close you are to tying the knot! Whew. That’ll be a nice mystery to solve, huh?

As per usual, it gathers very scientific data, like what your favorite Ring Pop is (um, red, duh; are there people who pick something else?) to determine whether your nuptials will occur in the very near or far future. Once it does, you can use this quiz to hint to your soon-to-be betrothed what kind of ring would be perfect for you.

Take it. Maybe it spit out the answer you want to hear.

RELATED: Take This Quiz to Figure Out What Style Engagement Ring Is Perfect for You 

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