The 6 Key Ingredients to Making a Proposal Video That’ll Go Viral

Whether or not you’re a fan of this particular ilk of popping the question, the whole video-recorded-extreme-proposal thing has definitely become a trend when it comes to dudes asking their ladies for their hand in marriage. These viral videos pop up practically every time we get online, so it’s pretty impossible to ignore their growing popularity.
So, if you’ve got a dude or know someone who you suspect would enjoy hopping on this bandwagon, be sure to pass along to them this: Mashable’s tutorial on how to deliberately and strategically concoct and execute a proposal video that will go viral.
They name six key ingredients that’ll keep people clicking, and use a few examples—see: Adorable Flash Mob Proposal Goes Down in Home Depot and This Video Proposal Is Making All the Girls in the Office Cry —that we here at PW have quite enjoyed, ourselves.
So skip the simple down-on-one-knee approach and follow these steps to making your proposal the lunchtime topic of the day. Just make sure you have lots of friends, lots of time, and, you know, maybe a celebrity friend on hand.
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