Here’s How to Ask for Cash Instead of Wedding Gifts

And because we feel like we know what you’re probably thinking—something along the lines of: ick—it’s not so much asking, we guess, as getting the word out. Because the thing is, not every couple anymore needs a brand new toaster just because they’re finally tying the knot.
As many people realize, so many couples these days are getting married a little later in life, and/or already live with the person they are marrying, and already enjoy a full set of forks and a water pitcher that works just fine. What not all of these couples also have, however, is a bank account brimming with the down payment for a house, or much more than a drop in savings to get themselves set up and settled in their new life together. What many of them could realistically use—since at this time, their friends and loved ones are happily opening up their wallets in a genuine and happy effort to help them get started on it all—are some funds to kick things off.
Luckily, we came across a dispatch from Anna Post on this very topic—and it actually falls in line with what one of our experts had to say about it to us for an issue a few years ago (which we then re-posted on the blog). And that is, basically, that it’s okay to make this desire known, and here’s why: Most of your guests who know you are living together will already assume that perhaps some cash would be more helpful than new water glasses. It’s better to make this situation known via word of mouth—but out of the mouths of others, as opposed to your own—and this is pretty easy, since people usually ask around about registry and gift information anyway, what with such dirty things not being printed on invitations either way. And that you should really do some sort of registry anyway, because some people will still want to give you a physical gift, and there’s gotta be something you need.
Take a look. There’s a way to get this out there without being rude.
Anyone else have any tips for how they got this word around for their wedding?
RELATED: Ask the Expert: Should a Wedding Gift Cover the Cost of the Guest’s Plate?
RELATED: Ask the Expert: Can We Ask for Cash?
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