Here’s That “Marriage Isn’t for You” Blog Post That’s Gone Viral

Have y’alls read this “Marriage Isn’t for You” blog post that’s gone viral over the past few days? You’ll notice that I asked if you read it, not if you’ve seen it, as, if you are anything like me, it has been a regular fixture on your Facebook feed since sometime on Sunday, I think it was, so we’re just going to go ahead and guess that you already have.
Well, in case you haven’t read it, here it is. It’s nice; I eventually clicked on it, too. It’s an interesting perspective on marriage, and, as engaged person, now’s the time to gather up all the perspectives and outlooks and advice you can get on this particular subject, isn’t it? (I’m not going to give away the elaboration behind the title declaration that marriage isn’t for you, by the way.)
The author, Seth Adam Smith, whose site has now blown up, is a video producer, blogger and aspiring novelist from Anchorage who spent time all over the world before coming back home and marrying, as he says, the girl of his dreams. You know, and writing viral blog posts.
Just wanted to make sure you didn’t miss out. It’s worth a read.
RELATED: And Here’s Our Writer’s Rebuttal to That “Marriage Isn’t for You” Viral Blog Post
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