Bride-to-be Blogger Kristy: My Debate Over the Veil

Bride-to-be Blogger Kristy: My Debate Over the Veil


To veil or not to veil?

This has been my ongoing debate for the past few months. I really didn’t think I’d be losing sleep over this decision, since it seems so minor compared to the mountain of decisions we’ve made throughout the wedding planning process. But I think I’m taking this one very personally, since I think it says a lot about a bride’s style, and lends a certain feel to the wedding day.

So here I am, two months before the wedding, still debating and constantly researching this accessory. I’ve done it all: researched the history of veils, types of veils, hairstyles with and without a veil, and even purchased hair accessories to incorporate into my hair style if I opt to not wear a veil. So, when I visited a dear family friend, Janet, a few days ago for hair trial number two and she said, “Well, where’s the veil?” I honestly wasn’t sure how to reply.

Veil selection can be difficult, for starters, because there are so many choices! Visor, elbow, cathedral, bubble, birdcage—all different lengths and styles. So where is a girl to start? Well, I started at the bridal shop when I purchased my dress. I fell in love with my dress without a veil, so I thought for certain that I’d continue on a no-veil path for our wedding. But then a few people mentioned that a veil really turns a lady into a bride on the day of her wedding, so I started with the research, and let me tell you, the internet is a black hole for veil research. I surprisingly found several styles I liked—specifically bird cage, shoulder-length bubble veils, and visor style veils. They are shorter in length, not going past your shoulder, but still add lot of character. I also thought about our ceremony, which is outdoors, and figured I’d want to keep it short to avoid it blowing in the wind and picking up outdoorsy things like bugs and grass.

So after Janet asked me the veil question, I started searching for a veil image to show her and I came across one that was just about perfect. It felt like fate, so I quickly got home and purchased it online. I was happy to find that it was made in the US by an extremely talented woman named Tessa, who’s based out of Seattle.  Her veils are absolutely amazing, and so unique, and pretty reasonable in price.

So which style did I decide on? Well, I have to leave some surprises for the big day!

Are you going to wear a veil on your wedding day? What style did you choose? Were there any reasons why you chose it?

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