Create a Custom Hashtag For Guests Instagramming Your Wedding

Create a Custom Hashtag For Guests Instagramming Your Wedding

Monkey Business

Once upon a time, in order to try and collect fun photos of their wedding from their guests’ perspectives, couples would put a few disposable cameras (remember those?) in the middle of each table, tell guests to have at it, then collect them at the end of the night and get them developed. Can’t say I’ve seen that happen in quite a while.

And that’s because these days, there is no shortage of smartphone apps that allow couples to directly receive the pictures their guests are taking at their wedding with said smartphones. This spring, we told you about Wedding Snap, and just this month, our own photo editor here at PW used Wedding Party App at her wedding.

This little idea, though, just crossed our desks, and we thought it was so cute we had to share: You know how you can hashtag the pictures you post on Instagram, and then people can search that particular hashtag? Simply create your own custom hashtag for your wedding, and ask guests to slap it on there when they ‘gram photos at your wedding. Then you can click on the hashtag and see ’em all in one spot—then, of course, make any requests to your guests for ones you’d like to have yourself.

Love it! How are you planning on grabbing a few extra shots from the crowd from your wedding? We’d love to hear your ideas!

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