
Meet the White Supremacist Headed to the University of Pennsylvania

Yes, insufferable Amy Wax is involved. But, hey, the Phillies post-season lottery has opened!

White supremacist Jared Taylor, who is on the schedule to talk to one of Amy Wax's classes at the University of Pennsylvania

White supremacist Jared Taylor. He’s on the schedule to talk to one of Amy Wax’s classes at the University of Pennsylvania (Getty Images)

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Meet Jared Taylor, the White Supremacist Headed the University of Pennsylvania

The University of Pennsylvania sure has had plenty of controversy on its hands of late. A group invited anti-semitic Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters to speak on campus at a Palestinian event last September. That became a whole to-do. This was weeks before terrorists invaded Israel, leading to the Israel-Gaza conflict and all the subsequent outrage on Penn’s campus. That, in turn, led to the ouster of Penn’s president. And now, white supremacist Jared Taylor is heading to the University of Pennsylvania’s campus. Oh joy.

According to a new report in the Daily Pennsylvanian (god bless college newspapers!), controversial University of Pennsylvania professor Amy Wax (yes, that Amy Wax) has invited Taylor to campus to speak to one of her classes in December. The class is “Conservative and Political Legal Thought.” This won’t be Taylor’s first go-around with the University of Pennsylvania. No, he’s basically an Amy Wax regular at this point, visiting her classes at least three times in the last few years that we know of. Last year’s invitation to Taylor resulted in this campus-wide email from the dean of Penn’s law school.

Taylor’s appearance at the University of Pennsylvania appears to be a sort of speech exchange between him and his buddy Wax. A couple of weeks before Taylor will preach his particular brand of gospel at Penn, Wax is one of the esteemed guests at Taylor’s conference in the Republican stronghold of Dickson County, Tennessee, where the lineup includes lots of lovely people with neo-Nazi and white supremacy backgrounds.

So who exactly is Jared Taylor? He’s the publisher of American Renaissance, which certainly sounds pleasant enough. But then you read the media outlet’s own description of itself, and you get a better idea of what we’re talking about here: “News and commentary on interracial crime, race differences, white advocacy, Third World immigration, anti-white racism, and white identity.”

In case that’s not enough of an indication why some folks might be upset that a guy like Jared Taylor would be invited to spew on Penn’s campus, here’s Taylor in his own words from an essay he published in the wake of Hurricane Katrina: “Blacks and whites are different. When blacks are left entirely to their own devices, Western civilization — any kind of civilization — disappears.”

Got the picture?

The Phillies Post-Season Lottery Has Opened

Now this is a lottery worth playing. The Phillies just announced that fans can now register for a lottery to purchase tickets to see the Phils play at Citizens Bank Park this Red October. If you win the lottery, that doesn’t mean you win tickets. It just means that you win the option to purchase tickets. And even then, the Phillies aren’t guaranteeing you tickets, because there are so damn few tickets available to begin with, and the Phillies will sell the tickets to lottery winners on a first come, first served basis. Good luck! And go Phils!

By the Numbers

0: Hospitals in the Philadelphia region that got five out of five stars for doctor-patient communication, according to a new federal survey. So if you think your doctor isn’t listening to you and that they don’t tend to explain things all that well, you’re not alone.

4: Inches in diameter that the Joro spider can grow to be. So, yes, a spider that’s about the size of your palm. Why am I telling you this? Because they’ve invaded Bucks County. And, yes, they’re venomous. The good news is that their little fangs can’t break through human skin to get said venom into your bloodstream. The other good news is that Joro spiders don’t tend to be aggressive. Furthermore, they’ll eat mosquitoes, cockroaches, yellow jackets, and those dastardly biting flies. So maybe just leave your friendly neighborhood Joro spider alone.

$21 million: What it will cost you to buy this 2.5 acre piece of beachfront land on Long Beach Island. No, that doesn’t include a home.

Local Talent

If you’re free for dinner on Thursday night, Philly Mag food editor Kae Lani Palmisano is hosting a pretty fabulous food event at Old City’s acclaimed Fork. It’s called “Farm to Fork at Fork” and benefits the Sustainable Business Network. There will be a conversation with a cheesemaker (possibly one of the coolest jobs in the world), a “meticulously crafted” four-course dinner, and let’s not forget the swag bags, which will include treats from Shane’s Confectionary and Old City Canning Co. More details here.