Goodbye, Oh Philadelphia Heat Wave
Plus, Steve Keeley is a one-man abandoned jet ski removal machine.

The sun over Philadelphia, where we’ve been experiencing quite a heat wave. But better Philadelphia weather is ahead. (Getty Images)
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Goodbye, Oh Philadelphia Heat Wave
After falling just short of the 100 degree mark on Tuesday, temperatures in Philadelphia are expected to only get as high as 96 degrees on Wednesday. Not much of a reprieve. But a reprieve is coming. Better Philadelphia weather is ahead.
The heat wave is ending, my friends. The days of sweltering Philadelphia weather that have caused every single conversation to begin with phrases like “Hot enough for ya?” and “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity” are about to be behind us.
The excessive heat warning is in effect in Philadelphia until 8 p.m. And after that, we can look forward to sunny days with relatively low humidity. The temperature? Thursday, Friday and Saturday are all predicted to see highs in the mid 80s with relatively low humidity. Downright Antarctic compared to what we’ve been suffering through. And though Sunday is threatening to maybe touch 90, that’s the only day in the next week that is expected to do so.
So give the AC a break, open the windows, and go out for a bike ride or walk.
Steve Keeley Is a One-Man Abandoned Jet Ski Removal Machine
Gotta love Steve Keeley. When he’s not falling over himself to give you the latest mugshots and perp walks in Philadelphia, he’s … on the prowl for abandoned jet skis?!
A couple of weeks ago, Keeley made a huge deal about the fact that he found an abandoned jet ski on the street in Philadelphia, tweeted images of the jet ski to city officials, and then, within hours, the Streets Department removed the jet ski. Not for nothing, but I’ve also used social media and, well, just the phone and email to alert the city to quality of life issues and they’ve resolved the problem. Had I know I could have filled huge amounts of television air time with these endeavors, my life might have turned out differently. But I digress.
Two weeks after he saved Philadelphians from the abandoned jet ski, Keeley is back on Seal Team Jet Ski. He’s now found an abandoned jet ski on Lehigh Avenue in North Philadelphia. And he’s all over the internet about it. What will be the outcome of this fearless investigation? Story at 11, I imagine.
God bless you, Steve Keeley. It really is true what they say: Some heroes don’t wear capes.
By the Numbers
400: Cases of beef stolen from an unattended truck in Southwest Philly on Tuesday. Fox 29 has dubbed the crime of the century the “Hamburglar heist.” Womp womp.
$31 million: Paltry sum a developer just reportedly paid for the Bourse building in Old City. So much for the $48.1 million assessed value.
100,000: Approximate number of households in the greater Philadelphia area who lost power during Tuesday night’s storms.
Local Talent
If you’re looking for some random and somewhat ridiculous fun this week, my suggestion is the Philly ensemble Theatre Contra. The group specializes in doing live dramatic readings of some of your favorite movies. And Shark Week may have ended a few days ago, but that’s not stopping Theatre Contra from breaking out the script for Jaws. This all goes down tomorrow night at the Trestle Inn. Tickets here. And in case a dramatic reading of Jaws isn’t quite what you had in mind, try one of these other ideas on for size.