Tell Us All About Your Marriage! (Yes, We’re Serious.)
You could be featured in an upcoming issue of Philadelphia magazine.

Photographs via Getty Images.
Calling all married couples! We’re working on a piece for an upcoming issue that’s all about marriage: an honest, unflinching look at what the institution looks like today, how different couples make it work, and all the interesting stories, perspectives, and challenges that go along with it. We’re looking for couples to tell their stories — and we want to hear from you!
We’re searching for a diverse range of couples who are open to talking honestly about their marriage. We hope to find a variety of people and topics: those who are in unconventional marriages; those who have overcome serious challenges in their marriage; those who are still in the thick of trying to overcome these challenges; and those who are in long and successful marriages.
Some examples of what we’re looking for (though topics are, of course, not limited to these):
- Couples who live separately/spend most of their time living apart
- Couples who lead completely separate financial lives
- Couples who have overcome or are dealing with infidelity or loss
- Couples who have different political views
- Couples who have blended families
- Couples who are looking to divorce
- Couples who have been married for 60+ years
If you’d like to share your story with us, please email with your name, contact information, and a description of your marriage. (These will not be published. We’d just like to get an idea of your story, and editors will be in touch for more information.)