Sneak Peek: Inside Philadelphia Magazine’s October 2019 Issue
Our October issue drops this week. In it, learn how to take your Philly dining experiences to the next level.

The Philadelphia magazine October issue will be on stands soon. Cover photo by Michael Persico.
The October issue of Philadelphia magazine is on its way to mailboxes right now, and it’s bursting with content that gets at the heart of life in the region right now. Here are the big stories that print subscribers will get to read before anyone else:
There’s Going Out to Eat, and Then There’s This: A great meal isn’t enough anymore; we need a great food experience. Here are the city’s 23 best according to food editor Alex Tewfik.
What Kind of City Will Philly Be? Urban studies professor Richard Florida’s critics say he helped turn places like New York and San Francisco into elitist playgrounds for the rich. But writer Steve Volk reports that he’s hoping to stop the same thing from happening here.
We Are All Puritans Now: Granted, there’s plenty to be mad about these days. But somewhere along the way, people started turning everyday issues into sanctimonious ire, pitting Philadelphians against Philadelphians as never before. Writer Christine Speer Lejeune asks: Is there any way back to sanity?
Hotels Rising: With a sparkling new Four Seasons atop Comcast’s second skyscraper, plus dozens more openings, renovations and innovations, is Philadelphia (yes, Philadelphia) finally becoming a great hotel town? Senior lifestyle editor Sarah Zlotnick investigates.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Subscribe now and we’ll start you off with the October issue.