Sneak Peek: Inside Philadelphia Magazine’s June Issue
Our June issue drops this week. Get ready for a summer at the Shore.

The Philadelphia magazine June 2019 issue drops this week.
The June issue of Philadelphia magazine is on its way to mailboxes right now, and it’s bursting with content that gets at the heart of life in the region right now. Here are a few of the big stories that print subscribers will get to read before anyone else:
The Shore: It’s is as much a part of the Philly fingerprint as the Eagles or the cheesesteak or Will Smith or anything else that helps us find true north. In this guide, we pinpoint 21 reasons that the allure remains very much alive.
The Taxman Bummeth: Writer Christine Speer Lejeune takes us on a thrilling sojourn into the heart of our municipal bureaucracy, featuring a mysterious tax bill, a dead guy, a potential sheriff sale, a pregnant woman, a frustrated husband, computer equipment from the 1980s, and a few clear-eyed insights on why it’s often so hard to be a citizen of this city.
This Is a Gym? Money, sex, sweat, power, Real Housewives, Donald Trump and G-strings: Emily Goulet explains how the Newtown Athletic Club became the most powerful — and controversial — institution in Bucks County.
What Happened to Acme? Philly’s once-dominant supermarket is fighting to stay relevant in the age of Whole Foods and Walmart. Steve Volk investigates the biggest challenge the grocery chain is facing: overcoming the dark changes to the American economy in the past 40 years.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Subscribe now and we’ll start you off with the June issue.