Sneak Peek: Inside Philadelphia Magazine’s May Issue
Our May issue drops this week. Are the outrageous costs of prescription drugs making you furious, too?

The Philadelphia magazine May 2019 issue drops this week.
The May issue of Philadelphia magazine is on its way to mailboxes right now, and it’s bursting with content that gets at the heart of life in the region right now. Here are a few of the big stories that print subscribers will get to read before anyone else:
Ouch! Sky-high prices. Confusing co-pays. Maddening bureaucracy. Why is America’s pharmaceutical system such an impenetrable mess? Brian Howard goes on a quest to find answers. (Warning: This story may make you reach for a sedative.) Plus: Gina Tomaine with nine tips for beating the rising cost of drugs—only one of which is against the law. A Philadelphian’s guide to navigating (and maybe even beating) our screwed-up system.
Is This Rich Middle-Aged White Guy From Texas the Most Revolutionary Thinker in Philly? He’s known around town as a venture capitalist and a renaissance man. Soon he may be known for something else entirely. Michael Callahan on the endless curiosity of (presidential candidate?) Richard Vague.
The Sudden, Spectacular Rise of Middle Eastern Cuisine: There’s hummus among us and Za’atar is everywhere. Philly’s best new restaurants feature baba ghanoush and kofta. The food of the Middle East is here to stay. Food editor Alex Tewfik and Philly Mag’s food team show you how to get in on the action with a guide to the city’s 15 essential restaurants, a peek inside the fast-casual bonanza, a primer to essential ingredients and more.
The Tow-Truck King Needs a Hug: Lew Blum made a fortune keeping Philadelphia clean of illegally parked cars. Then he pissed off the wrong people. Jonathan Valania goes deep with perhaps the most hated man in Philly.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Subscribe now and we’ll start you off with the May issue.