Sanders, Krasner Will Host a Discussion on Criminal Justice Reform
Here’s how you can tune into their conversation.

R: (AP Photo/Matt Rourke) | L: Photo courtesy of Lawrence Krasner for District Attorney
We told you Philadelphia was going to feel the Bern on Friday.
Ahead of Bernie Sanders’s rally with John Fetterman at City Hall on Friday evening, the Vermont senator will meet up with Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner for a discussion on criminal justice reform.
Sanders and Krasner will also join Premal Dharia, director of litigation at Civil Rights Corps, and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, assistant professor of African-American Studies at Princeton University, for the talk. It’s being held at the studios of Philadelphia Community Access Media, or PhillyCAM, at 699 Ranstead Street.
Luckily for you, you can catch the conversation by tuning into WPPM 106.5 FM, or watch it live on PhillyCAM and Sanders’s Facebook pages. It’s expected to kick off around 2:30, so you’ll want to tune in then.