Rocky? Will Smith? The Geator With the Heater?

Who is Philly's Best Icon? Cast your vote and you could win a ticket to our annual Best of Philly bash.

This August, we’ll release our 45th Best of Philly issue. (I know, I know, we don’t look a day over 30.) For most of those years, the editors have chosen all the winners, but this year we’ve decided to open up a handful of categories for the public to vote on. We are releasing one category a month until June; winners will be announced in the annual August Best of Philly release.

To pick the nominees for each category, we’ve tapped some of the city’s most influential Philadelphians to weigh in on their favorite things. See their picks below and then vote on your favorite. (PS: When you vote you’ll be entered to win two tickets to the annual Best of Philly bash in August, so vote every day!)

Nominees for the Best Philly Icon:

Cast your vote here until February 25th.