Temple Police Investigating Banana Left on Door of Black Students’ Dorm Room

Freshman Halle Ray said she and her roommates are the only black students living on that floor.

Morgan Hall at Broad and Cecil B. Moore | Temple.edu

This is a developing story. Check back for updates. 

Temple University police are investigating two alleged bias incidents this week.

The Temple News reports that the first incident allegedly occurred when four black students found a banana balanced on the door handle of their Morgan Hall dorm room. 

One of the students, a freshman named Halle Ray, posted about the incident on Twitter on Monday.


Kevin Williams, director of University Housing and Residential Life, told the newspaper that the university is investigating the incident and a similar situation that occurred later in the week, when another banana was found in a dorm room in the same building.

Ray said police have identified someone who they believe may be responsible. Temple Police and a spokesperson for the university were not immediately available to confirm this statement on Friday morning.

Earlier this week, Williams sent out a statement to students condemning the “several instances of inappropriate and arguably discriminatory behavior.”

“This email is a reminder that all residence halls … are inclusive environments that promote safety and respect for all members of the community,” the statement read, according to TTN.

Temple Student Government and the university’s Progressive NAACP organization have condemned the incidents.

Many others weighed in on Twitter.




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