Meet Philly’s Make-a-Sign Protest Guy

Stephen Horcha and his sign cart. Photo by Victor Fiorillo
When Stephen Horcha woke up on Thursday morning, he was planning on going to the store to get a piece of poster board so he could join the Donald Trump protest outside the Loews Hotel, but then at the last minute, he decided, “Why not just bring supplies for everybody?” Thus was the make-a-sign protest cart born.
Horcha, a 39-year-old Fishtown resident, showed up at the corner of 13th and Market with his cart, a custom-built tricycle that he says he normally uses to transport his drum. (He’s in a band, Glitter.) He brought plenty of markers, but unfortunately only showed up with 20 pieces of board, which were gone in about 10 minutes.
Protestors began handing him dollar bills so that he could work his way to a nearby store to re-up his supply. “Thank you so much for doing this,” one protestor told him after completing her sign, which read “Stop the Trump War on Women.”

Photo by Victor Fiorillo
Other signs ranged from the profound to the profane, and Horcha says he’s not a fan of the more hateful ones.
“There’s already so much negativity in the world,” he observed. You’ve got that right, brother.

Photo by Victor Fiorillo
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