If You See a Porn Star Having Lunch in Philly, Here’s Why

Porn star Joanna Angel dines at Franky Bradley’s with N.A. Poe.
We at Philly Mag get lots of tips about celebrities, semi-celebrities, and straight-up D-listers having dinner at Parc or drinks at Oscars or a workout at the Sporting Club, but it’s not very often that we get a report of a porn star having lunch in town. Well, that’s all about to change.
You probably know scenester N.A. Poe best as a marijuana crusader, the guy who is almost always involved when a large group of people assemble in one spot in the city to smoke pot or when a giant joint is seen on Broad Street. He was, in fact, the subject of our back-page interview in the December issue of Philadelphia magazine, where he told us all about his fondness for cannabis.
But Poe (it’s a pseudonym) is also a bit of a video producer.
We first learned that in 2014 when he released an amazing video of him and his pals at Wing Bowl, trolling the fans the way that Jimmy Kimmel trolls people on the street.
Well, it’s not much of a stretch from Wing Bowl fans to adult movie performers, and that’s exactly where he’s landed. Poe recently launched Wake & Bake, a web series in which porn stars smoke weed when they wake up, and now, he just released his latest series, which is called … er … Eat Me Out. (Sorry.)
The premise of the show is that a porn star comes to Philly and has lunch with Poe at a local restaurant. For the first episode (it’s basically SFW), Poe invited “alt-porn” pioneer Joanna Angel to Franky Bradley’s to talk about food and, of course, porn.
The next one up is former Penthouse Pet Phoenix Marie.
Poe wanted to tell us more about it but was off to La Colombe to meet with Philadelphia Police Department brass, who are reportedly concerned about his pro-marijuana, anti-Trump rally in Rittenhouse Square scheduled for Inauguration Day.
“What a life,” he observes.
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