Wanda Sykes Smacked Down Trump Fans Who Were at Her Borgata Show

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Last weekend, Wanda Sykes performed at the Borgata’s intimate Music Box venue. The crowd was mixed. Some old. Some young. Some black. Some white. Some gay. Some straight. And there were even some Donald Trump fans.
Now, when I went to the comedy show, I’d pretty much expected there to be some Donald Trump jokes. And there were. A lot of them.
Sykes didn’t just joke about Donald Trump. She laid into the man and let loose on all cylinders. She talked about what a danger he is to America. These weren’t just riffs on Trump’s hair. At times, she sounded more like a columnist writing a scathing indictment of the presumptive Republican nominee than a comedian. But the audience members went right along with her. Well, most of them.
Some were thunderously applauding and hooting to every Trump dig she got in. Some were golf clapping. But some people were obviously squirming in their seats, seemingly wishing that she’d just move on. Eventually, one old white guy close to the front of the room stood up and shouted “Bye!” as he began walking away, his party in tow.
Sykes didn’t just let him leave. She engaged him, telling him, “We don’t need your kind.” Words were exchanged, and the audience went nuts. Under supervision of security, the man finally left, and a few other people got up and walked out shortly thereafter.
Sykes, who has a house in Media, Pa., has been a longtime critic of Trump, laying into him as far back as 2011, well before he was a serious candidate in any race. And this year, in the wake of Trump winning Nevada, she said the Republican Party was a “borderline terrorist” organization and called Trump “the worst.”
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