Trash and Recycling Picked Up Today, After All

Copyright: SAV_____A |
So, you may have noticed that there weren’t the predicted four-to-eight inches of snow on the ground in Philadelphia when you woke up this morning.
City officials certainly did. They’d canceled trash and recycling pickup for the day so that trucks could be used to plow the streets. They changed their minds this morning.
Don’t worry, though, if you missed your normal pickup today because you thought your house would be skipped: Trash crews will also come by tomorrow.
The city’s announcement:
Because of lighter than anticipated snowfall, the Philadelphia Streets Department will conduct trash and recycling collection today.
Crews that had mobilized for salting and plowing will now be shifted to resume the regular Tuesday trash and recycling collection. Any resident who misses the pickup today may leave their trash and recycling at their normal collection location on Wednesday.
Portions of the city that receive trash and recycling collection on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday should follow their normal schedule.
Again, the Streets Department will conduct regular trash and recycling collection today, and those who held their trash should put it at their normal location tonight for Wednesday collection.