The Best Twitter Reactions to Chip Kelly’s Ouster

Photo | Jeff Fusco
As you might expect, Philadelphia Twitter exploded Tuesday night after news of Chip Kelly‘s “release” made the rounds. There was some negative reaction from fans who thought the third-year coach, who famously blew up the roster over the off-season — deserved one more year — but mostly, the mood was jubilant. (Also, check out how players have reacted to the news at Birds 24/7.)
Some highlights:
When your wife wakes you up from a pre-show nap to say "Lurie fired the coach all the callers hate!"
— Joe Giglio (@JoeGiglioSports) December 30, 2015
It's one thing to be intelligent. Smart people know how to use their intelligence. Chip never adjusted to the NFL.
— Michael Bradley (@DailyHombre) December 30, 2015
Best comment so far on @Phillydotcom: "Chip, a quick three and out, just like his offense all too often."
— Rob Tornoe (@RobTornoe) December 30, 2015
If Lurie really wants to win everybody over, he should take this opportunity to also announce a return to the Kelly green jerseys.
— David Gambacorta (@dgambacorta) December 30, 2015
The 2015 NFL Coach of the Year is…
Chip Kelly!
— Art Of Drinks (@OBLpost) December 30, 2015
(@KofieSpeaks has a whole series of these. We recommend you watch them all.)
At SD we believe #ChipKelly is the first coach to beat #BillBelichick and lose his job in the same season since…#SteveSpurrier … 2003
— Fantasy Sports Degens (@FantasyDegens) December 30, 2015
The moment Demarco Murray found out Chip Kelly was fired…
— The Barber Shop 918 (@barbershop918) December 30, 2015
Chip Kelly is the number one trend worldwide
— Crossing Broad (@CrossingBroad) December 30, 2015
DeSean Jackson is having a good month. He got his revenge in time enough to watch Chip be fired.
— Δx Δp ≥ ℏ/2 || (@HeckPhilly) December 30, 2015
Mic drop.
— Annie Heckenberger (@anniemal) December 30, 2015
Chip Kelly barely outlasted George Pataki.
— Jim Antle (@jimantle) December 30, 2015
I wonder how well Four Loko fits into Chip Kelly's famed nutritional programs.
— McNeil (@Reflog_18) December 30, 2015
Remember when Chip Kelly came into the league and there were about a bazillion articles about how he would change football forever
— Dave Rappoccio (@DrawPlayDave) December 30, 2015
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